The Slowcook at Spydog Farm The Slowcook at Spydog Farm

Wetness, Finally

September 30th, 2015 · No Comments · Posted in farming


The rain started yesterday and continued, hard, all night, winds howling up to 20 knots.

I’d taken pity on the goats and moved them late in the afternoon into the main paddock where they’d be able to take cover under the three-sided shelter. Wouldn’t you know it, though. Three of the babies were laggards and didn’t make it into the paddock before the gate closed. I had to fetch daughter and use Dolly, the oldest female, as bait to round up the little ones. They were glad to be reunited with the herd.

The sheep and the cows, meanwhile had to fend for themselves. I have no idea where they spent the night. But later this morning, they came tromping down the hill from the upper pasture showing no I’ll effects.

The wind was none too kind to our hay tarp. Already in tatters, what was left of it was utterly shredded by the wind and the rain poured on the small stack of hay it was covering. That hay will have to move into the paddock shelter or be written off completely.

The rain also scrambled our chicken schedule. I managed to get the Freedom Rangers fed, but it was some time before the rain eased enough that we could refresh their water and move their cages to fresh grass.

The laying hens were pretty confused, and wet. Not much laying going on and some eggs just sat and got eaten while I cooled my heels in the house.

but we’d gone weeks with lots of sun blazing and farmers complaining their fields were burning up. Not today, and not for the next several days, as more precipitation clouds the forecast. In fact, we may be in for a hurricane, or at least a tropical storm.

Only the weatherman knows for sure.


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