Entries Tagged as 'asparagus'
The farmer’s market in Cambridge opened for the season in Railroad Park yesterday. They say it’s the largest farmer’s market in Washington County. By D.C. standards, it’s rather small. Still, it’s not lacking. And the vendors are not just local farmers and artisans, they’re our neighbors. They all live and grow their food within a […]
Tags:asparagus·farmer's markets·pork·salad
France is the birthplace of sauces, so we couldn’t very well spend time in France with our food appreciation classes without aquainting ouselves with some of the finer sauces in the French lexicon. But how to incorporate that with the notion of spring? Why, asparagus, of course. What could be better than a plate of […]
Tags:asparagus·food appreciation·sauces·spring
In the past, my preferred method for cooking asparagus was to poach it in a heavy skillet filled with salted water. I liked this method, because I could monitor the asparagus spears as they cooked, plucking out the thinner ones when the were done, leaving the thicker ones to cook a while longer. We seemed to achieve […]