Entries Tagged as 'food appreciation'
After four years of travels, our round-the-world culinary tour finally came to a close this week in Japan. The kids in my food appreciation classes have since the very beginning it seems been begging to make sushi. So here we are. And guess what? It’s not that hard and the payoff in happy faces is […]
Tags:food appreciation·Japanese·sushi
We can thank social media for this week’s recipe. After we posted how much the kids in our food appreciation classes liked Szechuan-style tofu, our daughter’s former first-grade teacher, originally from Taiwan, wrote on Facebook to suggest we try making Chinese scallion pancakes. Little did we know how good they would be! The kids loved […]
Tags:Chinese·food appreciation·pancakes·scallions
We have two favorite Chinese foods around our house: Cantonese dim sum, with its infinite variety of dumplings and small bites, and Szechuan style, with its mouth-numbing peppercorns and chilies. As our food appreciation classes landed in China this week, I chose a simple but delicious dish from the latter category: mapo tofu, slithery bites […]
Tags:Chinese·food appreciation·pork·tofu·wok