Entries Tagged as 'carbohydrates'
I got my New York driver’s license recently and was horrified. Who was that fat guy in the license photo? Since moving to Upstate New York from D.C., I’ve worked hard getting our small farm together. But all the physical toil hasn’t kept me slim. I’m growing right out of my jeans. Somewhere in the […]
Are the mainstream media finally coming around to the idea that our national obsession with fat was a bad idea? In a ground-breaking article, the Los Angeles Times this week embraces the growing scientific view that the chief cause of our nation’s obesity and other dietary ills isn’t fat, as we’ve been told for the […]
Tags:carbohydrates·fat·metabolic syndrome
I’m not a scientist or a statistician, but I was skeptical when Dean Ornish, who’s been pushing his low-fat diets for years, and now poses as medical editor for the Huffington Post, wrote that a recent long-term study confirmed that people who ate a high-protein, low-carb diet tended to die sooner than those who focused more on […]
Tags:carbohydrates·Gary Taubes·protein