Entries Tagged as 'Child Nutrition Act'
Somehow Congress can find money to give tax breaks to billionaires. But in a little-noted provision of its reauthorization of child nutrition programs, signed into law yesterday by President Barack Obama as part of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, lawmakers have told schools to raise lunch prices to at least cover what it views as the […]
Tags:Child Nutrition Act·Congress·USDA
On Thursday afternoon, the House approved the “Healthy, Hunger-free Kids Act,” also known as the child nutrition reauthorization (CNR) bill. Having already cleared the Senate, the bill is ready for approval by President Obama, who has long supported it (along with Michelle Obama, who’s made kids’ health her policy focus). This broad piece of leglslation, which […]
Tags:Child Nutrition Act
First Lady Michelle Obama reportedly is wrestling with at least 100 House Democrats who would rather not pass a re-authorization of the nation’s school meals program if it means taking money from food stamp recipients. The U.S. Senate, the world’s greatest deliberative body, approved a measure that would increase spending on child nutrition programs by […]
Tags:Child Nutrition Act·school food