Entries Tagged as 'diabetes'
Do Americans really consume 22 teaspoons of sugar a day? That’s 350 calories, and the American Heart Association says that’s way too much. But get this: the mean daily sugar intake among teenaged boys is more like 34 teaspoons. That’s a lot of sugar. The AHA has issued a statement saying too much sugar is contributing […]
The kind of fat you eat does make a difference By now most of you have probably clued into the benefits of the so-called omega-3 fats (isn’t that why we’re all popping fish oil pills?) Omega-3s, found in oily, cold-water fish as well as animals raised on pasture and certain plant foods, such as flax […]
Tags:books·carbohydrates·diabetes·fats·obesity·processed foods
Just poking around the lunch room at my daughter’s charter school here in the District of Columbia I happened to look at the nutritional information on the back of an 8-ounce container of chocolate milk. Milk is a health food for children, right? Builds strong muscles and bones, right? Imagine my dismay when I saw that […]
Tags:diabetes·insulin·lactose·milk·obesity·school lunches·sugar