Entries Tagged as 'feeding'
There aren’t many photos of me working on the farm. That’s because I’m the photographer. But this month we have a visitor. His name is Andrew and he’s playing the title role in the local production of Puccini’s opera, “Gianni Schecchi.” Performers in our opera company hail from all over the country and they need […]
I’m up by 5:30 a.m. and my first job this time of year is to start a fire in the wood stove. Today, outside temperatures dropped below zero and the temp inside the house had fallen to less than 60 degrees Fahrenheit. I gather some kindling and select a few logs that look like they’ll […]
We love having our sheep and our Jersey heifer and our goats all grazing together. And we love socializing with our animals. But sometimes this arrangement can be problematic. We are now feeding the heifer four pounds of high-protein grain mix each day, half in the morning, half in the afternoon. Emily’s a growing girl, […]