Entries Tagged as 'livestock'
We’ve almost completed our second full rotation around the farm with our mowing crew. We have about 12 acres of clear pasture and each day our band of happy mowers–10 ewes, one boy goat, and one pregnant Jersey heifer–move to a fresh paddock measuring 6,400 square feet behind temporary electric fencing. Despite milkweed, golden rod […]
We’re nearing the end of a second grazing of the upper pasture. The animals greet me each morning from behind the temporary fencing eager to move to the next paddock. They’re doing a great job cleaning up the farm around the edges and helping to build healthy soil.
There aren’t many photos of me working on the farm. That’s because I’m the photographer. But this month we have a visitor. His name is Andrew and he’s playing the title role in the local production of Puccini’s opera, “Gianni Schecchi.” Performers in our opera company hail from all over the country and they need […]