Entries Tagged as 'fencing'
It’s another dreary day–cool and rainy. The last few weeks seemed more like March. Still, I’ve managed finally to get ahead of the grass that would consume us this time of year if extraordinary measures were not taken. We have a multi-wire, electric perimeter fence nearly a mile long surrounding the farm and foliage has […]
Just when we thought we had all the fences patched, somebody starts making unscheduled visits to the orchard. Since July, the orchard has been reserved for our two rams, awaiting breeding season. But for some reason, the other animals can’t resist trying to break into the orchard. What could be the attraction? So it was […]
We have flying cows. How else to explain when a cow goes to bed on one side of the fence, but greets the morning on the other? We first noticed this phenomenon last year. That’s when I placed our Jersey heifer in an area next to the main paddock to graze, enclosed by some temporary […]