Entries Tagged as 'Kaya Henderson'
Hopes for a quick and easy fix to the D.C. Public Schools’ cafeteria woes were snuffed out this week with the reported ouster of food services director Jeffrey Mills. And you can’t say we didn’t tell you so. This was a situation designed for failure. Mills, a restaurant designer who parachuted into DCPS from New […]
Tags:D.C. Public Schools·Jeff Mills·Kaya Henderson·Mary Cheh
Here’s one thing for sure: Lining the pockets of big corporate vendors is not a path to a sustainable school food system. D.C. officials made that mistake four years ago when they opted to hire Chartwells to run the city’s cafeterias. Now D.C. Public Schools are staring at a $14 million hole in their budget. […]
Tags:Kaya Henderson
Was former D.C. schools Chief Operating Officer Anthony Tata pulling our leg when he told a room packed with parents and other concerned citizens in August 2010 that school cafeterias had been losing $11 million to $14 million every year on food service? I was there, and I distinctly remember Tata saying school officials had […]
Tags:D.C.Council·Kaya Henderson·Mary Cheh