Entries Tagged as 'D.C.Council'
Was former D.C. schools Chief Operating Officer Anthony Tata pulling our leg when he told a room packed with parents and other concerned citizens in August 2010 that school cafeterias had been losing $11 million to $14 million every year on food service? I was there, and I distinctly remember Tata saying school officials had […]
Tags:D.C.Council·Kaya Henderson·Mary Cheh
The D.C. Council yesterday in voting on the District’s annual budget dumped a proposed “soda tax” of one percent per ounce in favor of levying a six percent sales tax on soft drinks in order to pay for recently approved “Healthy Schools” legislation. What, you might be asking, is the difference between these two approaches to taxing sodas? […]
Tags:"Healthy Schools"·D.C.Council·soda tax
A proposed tax on soft drinks to fund “Healthy Schools” legislation appears to be on shaky ground at best and may be dead on arrival. Meanwhile, social service advocates are engaged in a mad scramble to stave off cuts to services for the poor. While some members of the D.C. Council are talking about increasing […]
Tags:"Healthy Schools"·D.C.Council·soda tax