Entries Tagged as 'shrimp'
One of the best features of our local food co-op is the seafood that’s trucked in fresh from Boston each week. We get an email of the options and choose what and how much we want. Unfortunately, our 13-year-old daughter has a pretty universal reaction to things that swim. “I don’t like fish.” About the […]
Even if we order nothing else off the menu, we always ask for garden rolls when we visit our local Vietnamese restaurant. There’s something especially comforting about being able to pick up one of these rice paper bundles, dip it in a bowl of sweet/salty sauce and bite into a mouthful of crisp vegetables, sweet […]
Our friend Larry responded to a recent post about cooking fresh green beans with an ingenious suggestion to place sprigs of fresh oregano in the cooking water. We’ve got plenty of fresh oregano in our herb bed, and last night we had a chance to try Larry’s method when we gathered with Larry and out-of-town […]
Tags:green beans·shrimp