Entries Tagged as 'stir fry'
We are nearing the end of a race with our over-wintered greens, wherein we try to eat them before they can “bolt” and go to seed. I recently harvested all of the mizuna from one small bed–no small task, seeing as it means pulling each plant from the ground individually, then picking off the leaves. […]
Tags:spring·stir fry·tatsoi·wok
Garlic scapes, steamed earlier in the week, kept very nicely in the fridge waiting for just the right moment to appear on our dinner plate again. Here they are with stir-fried pork loin, a dish that falls together quickly once you have the hang of using your wok. First, fry sliced onion, celery and red […]
Tags:pork·stir fry
Plants want to reproduce. And gardeners are just as determined sometimes to prevent nature from taking its course. Such is the case with certain varieties of garlic. They send up slender stems with an erstwhile flower at the end. But well before the flower ever opens, the dedicated gardener will nip that urge to procreate in […]
Tags:chicken·stir fry