Entries Tagged as 'tapas'
Earlier this year my food appreciation classes spent several weeks in Spain making a variety of tapas, beginning with the grandaddy of all tapas–the Spanish tortilla. What they call “tortilla” in Spain would be an omelet in France–lots of eggs cooked in a pan with potatoes. First the potatoes are thinly sliced and cooked in […]
Tags:eggs·food appreciation·Spanish·tapas
If you can saute mushroom, you can easily make these mushroom canapes served as a Spanish “small plate,” or tapas. What sets these apart from the standard sauteed mushrooms are the seasonings of paprika and white wine vinegar. They’re a perfect appetizer. Start by slicing 30 cremini mushrooms and heating 3 tablespoons or more extra-virgin […]
Tags:food appreciation·mushrooms·tapas
My food appreciation classes are still in Spain making tapas. Maybe we’ll never leave, as there’s so much great food to explore in this particular corner of the world. This week were were making an extremely easy salad of tuna, tomatoes and roasted red peppers that relies entirely on the quality of the individual ingredients. […]