Entries Tagged as 'vegetables'
Did you hear the show about urban kitchen gardening on Kojo Nnamdi yesterday? If not, you can listen to the archived version at Kojo’s website. We covered a lot of ground–so to speak–including spring garden prep, how to garden in an apartment, rats, and scavenging the neighborhood for composting materials. There’s never enough time for […]
Tags:climate·Kojo Nnamdi·vegetables
I celebrated the first day of fall with the kids in my food appreciation classes by making a classic French stew with the finest vegetables the season had to offer. Turns out the kids were already familiar. I gave them a clue: Think of a rat who works under a chef’s hat. “Ratatouille!” they cried in […]
Tags:fall·food appreciation·French·stew·vegetables
I have to admit, I’m a sucker for any kind of vegetable grown in a row. A row of lettuce heads fills me with envy, and makes me think it must have been planted by a genius. But rows are for farmers. Rows are for walking down. Rows are for driving tractors through. Rows are […]