Entries Tagged as 'winter'
It’s official: We’ve had more snow since spring started than in any of the so-called winter months this season. It couldn’t happen at a worse time. All our ewes had just given birth or were about to when this latest “polar vortex” struck. And we were feeling so smug, watching the grass go green. This […]
It was about as cold as we’ve seen it here on Spy Dog Farm this morning but the livestock mostly just powered through. As long as they get their ration of grain, the goats are fine. Emily, our Jersey cow, also came running to get her bucket of feed. The sheep were bleating, so I […]
In the past we had a large load of hay delivered to the farm to feed our animals over the winter. That didn’t work out this year, so we turned to the farmers who sell us our non-GMO feed–the Elsworths–and they agreed to set aside enough hay to tide us over. The only hitch is, […]