Entries Tagged as 'greens'
Nothing goes to waste at our local food co-op. When products expire, they’re placed in a “free” bin in the back of the walk-in fridge and members help themselves. Like Forest Gump’s box of chocolates, you never know what you might get. Last week I scored a big bag of Lacinato kale–the kind with the […]
This is how I spent parts of the weekend: sitting on my duff, pulling leaves from greens that have bolted in the heat here in the District of Columbia. I planted my greens–mustards, arugula, mizuna–on March 13 and as soon as temperatures started to rise they wanted to burst into bloom. The mizuna was a […]
We don’t normally let our vegetable garden go completely to seed, but this has been a particularly wet spring. Not many opportunities to perform the usual garden cleanup. The rhubarb and arugula and collards have been putting on quite a show. Some of the leftover radishes have become small trees. The parsnips and burdock that […]
Tags:flowers·green beans·greens·leeks·spring