Entries Tagged as 'tractor'
The storm struck Wednesday. It snowed most of the day and into the night. When we awoke Thursday morning, there were eight-plus inches on the ground, instantly turning Spy Dog Farm into a scene from Dr. Zhivago, giving us plenty of work to do in addition to the usual chores. Thankfully, I had the good […]
I should explain this photo. What you’re looking at is I the underside of our tractor. That fuzzy piece is grass wrapped around the drive shaft that powers our 60-inch mower deck. What I recently discovered trying to mow the tall grass in our pasture is that the tough stems from milk weed and goldenrod […]
As long as it’s going to be winter again, might as well see how the new tractor performs. The first test was moving a hay bale down the driveway to the winter pasture. With the temperature around 20 degrees, the diesel engine was a little slow to start. Thankfully, the glow plug that pre-warms the […]