Entries Tagged as 'green tomatoes'
A plethora of green tomatoes and apples is what we are dealing with at Spy Dog Farm. On account of a couple of overnight freezes, my wife has pulled all the vegetable plants from the raised beds yielding bushels of tomatoes in various stages of ripeness, but especially green ones. You can only eat so […]
Tags:apples·fall·green tomatoes
Here’s another reason to love fall: green tomatoes. Back in D.C., we’d get a huge hall of green tomatoes all the way into November. Not so much this year, as we only had a couple of tomato plants in our new garden here in Upstate New York. We’ve got voles or field mice noshing on […]
Tags:green tomatoes
Strange weather we’re having. Our tomatoes were too stressed by the hottest summer on record to make many tomatoes. But as soon as things started to cool down, they bounced right back. Shortly before Thanksgiving I finally decided it was time for the annual fall garden cleanup and began dragging the tomato plants to the […]
Tags:fall·green tomatoes·pickles