Entries Tagged as 'apples'
A plethora of green tomatoes and apples is what we are dealing with at Spy Dog Farm. On account of a couple of overnight freezes, my wife has pulled all the vegetable plants from the raised beds yielding bushels of tomatoes in various stages of ripeness, but especially green ones. You can only eat so […]
Tags:apples·fall·green tomatoes
We’d slaughtered a young ram for the occasion and what a meal last night’s dinner turned out to be. We invited several of our Cambridge friends who’ve played a special role in the success of Spy Dog Farm, incorporating a bit of everything the farm has to offer. For starters, we served a white sangria […]
Tags:apples·cheese·corn·eggplant·entertaining·ice cream·kale·lamb·pie·tomatoes
On account of the brutally cold winter, we didn’t get any peaches this year. But it’s a banner season for apples. Drive the roads of Washington County and you see huge apple trees groaning under the weight of thousands of apples. The trees in our orchard, planted by the previous owner, are still pretty young. […]