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Entries Tagged as 'vegetarian'

Sauteed Collards with Pomegranate

January 20th, 2011 · No Comments · garden, Recipes

Collard greens are an amazing thing. Despite blasts of arctic air, snow and freezing rain, the keep on ticking. Here you see what our look like this morning with the temperature around 34 degrees. Kale and certain types of mustard greens will do the same thing. If it gets really cold, they wilt and fall […]



Kids Make Ndole

October 30th, 2009 · No Comments · Ethnic, kids, Recipes

Fresh ginger? Dried fish flakes? Peanut butter? These are not ingredients we normally think of together, but they all play an important role in a traditional stew from the West African nation of Cameroon called ndole. Ndole is the local name for bitterleaf, a popular green. Lots of fresh greens, tomatoes, protein and healthful fats […]



Meatless Mondays? Really?

September 7th, 2009 · 5 Comments · Sustainability, Wellness

A vocal segment of the food and environmental movements would have us abandon meat and embrace a plant-based diet on grounds that cattle contribute too much to greenhouse emissions. It’s a simple-minded approach to complex problems posed by world overpopulation that overlooks the nutritional consequences of such a radical change in food habits. Over 2.6 million years, […]

