Entries Tagged as 'eating local'
Were would we be without chest freezers? We bought half a pig from our friend Mike and brought it home frozen from the butchers in two big boxes. It must weight 100 pounds. Fortunately, we had the good sense to purchase another chest freezer because our original freezer is packed with Freedom Ranger chickens and […]
An invitation to dinner at our friends Luke and Ashley’s house last night turned into a lesson in smoking our Spy Dog Farm Freedom Ranger broilers. Apparently, Luke woke up that morning inspired to build his own smoker. He just happened to have an old wood stove on hand. So he dug a fire pit […]
We’d slaughtered a young ram for the occasion and what a meal last night’s dinner turned out to be. We invited several of our Cambridge friends who’ve played a special role in the success of Spy Dog Farm, incorporating a bit of everything the farm has to offer. For starters, we served a white sangria […]
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